Good Spreads Make You Think

Good Tarot Spreads Will Make You Think

There are many widely used Tarot spreads. So are they enough for any situation you find yourself in?…

Some tarot card reading spreads have become very popular, to where most people use them. It is thought that those spreads somehow “work” better than the others. But what does it mean for a spread to be good? How do you create you own spread? I will show you how you can create you own useful spread.

What makes a good spread

A good spread will help you perform a good and thorough reading. The spread will give you addition insight on the question or problem at hand, and open new lines of thought for you. It is important to take note that not every spread is appropriate for every situation.

Most commonly used spreads

Two of the most commonly used spreads are the past-present-future spread, and the Celtic-cross spread. The past-present-future spread is a rather general spread. While the Celtic-cross spread is quite detailed; it involves 10 cards, and covers a variety of aspects of the question or problem at hand. If you already know these spreads, then you know the these two spreads, by themselves, put cards into relations with each other Which is something we need to any how, determine how the cards relate to one another. Generally, these two spreads are easier for beginners to use, since they provide that “out-of-box” relations amongst the cards.

Cards in a spread relate to each other

How the cards in a spread relate to each other is not the only “trick” of a good spread. Positioning in a spread, helps target the relevant aspects of the main question, when sub-questions become involved. The past-present-future spread can be relevant for aspects of some general high-level questions, but once we begin to explore the whole theme in general, such as where your career is headed, is when you need to be able utilize the card positioning. Most of the popular spreads will have a position for “the outcome,” which represents where the situation is headed, provided nothing changes. This is obvious, but it is important to note, the outcome card is relevant for whatever problem you bring to the table. Generally is brings surprisingly meaningful results. This is because each card, and position, causes you to consult your subconscious; your subconscious then makes you pay attention to some detail, which since it knows both you and the situation very well, how you behave and act in similar situations, you will then be able to determine what the cards are representing for the situation.

When do you need a custom spread

You can easily create custom spreads yourself, that you can tailor to a specific problem. The only requirement is that you honestly come up with what is really relevant for the situation you want to read for. This is not something you need to obsess over, coming up with good positions for a spread that is, because you cannot think of something your subconscious has not already completed the analysis of; the results of the analysis will be signaled by you subconscious, which tells you what you should be paying attention to.

Now you have had the chance to see what makes a good tarot spread. You have also been able to see how some tarot reading spreads can bring more valuable insights and points of view than other spreads.

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