A Short Tarot Course
Try this FREE course and you will be reading tarot TOMORROW. It’s a promise.
Tarot Lessons: Start Here
Lesson 1: Major Arcana
22 major arcana cards are the heart of a Tarot deck, describing important life lessons.
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Lesson 2: Swords and Cups
Each suit represents a progression. Swords represent intellect, while Cups deal with emotions.
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Lesson 3: Wands and Pentacles
By the end of this third lesson, you will have memorized Wands and Pentacles too.
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Lesson 4: The Court Cards
Each suit has its own royal family: Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings. Learning them can be frustrating.
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Hi, I’m Ian Eshey
I’m a Tarot enthusiast, an entrepreneur and a father. My love is helping people to discover Tarot in the same way I did: quickly and without all-to-common mystique and mambo jumbo.
I won’t teach you how to foretell the future, but how to enlist the help of your best advisor for any situation: your own subconscious. It really knows you and it always has your best interest in mind.
My Books
Six Short Stories: Learn Tarot in a Day
“I was surprised at how enjoyable it was to flip through all the chapters & stories”
Amazon US – Amazon UK
Tarot Spreads for Love, Career and More
“Conversational, friendly, and fun, makes this book accessible to all levels of readers.”
Amazon US – Amazon UK
Tarot Learning Resources and More
I thought it would be helpful to create a resource page that you can always come to for all of your tarot learning needs.
It lists most helpful websites, books and decks for Tarot learners, as well as collection of books on personal growth that made a great impact on my own life.
Tarot Cards Quick Reference
Major Arcana
Major arcana cards don’t deal with everyday worries, they describe important life lessons.
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Cups represent your emotions; basically your love life and relationships with other people.
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The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings
An awesome reference book by Brigit Esselmont from Biddy Tarot.
“This is the most complete, comprehensive and informative book on Tarot I know.”
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