Love Reading with Tarot

Learn to Read Tarot Cards for Love

Love and relationships are what life is really about and what matters most to us. Making them a very common topic for tarot readings…

Tarot readings frequently address problems regarding love and relationships. But how can you interpret the cards specifically for love and relationship questions? There are popular spreads that are used for love readings, but you can also alter them and create a custom spread to address the problem at hand. To find out how you can read tarot cards for love and relationship problems, read on!

First a proper question

When you have a problem, it is important to come with an appropriate question that will provide you with additional insights. In order to form a question that will provide these additional insights, the question should be open-ended. This will allow you to look at multiple points of view, or provide things to focus on that you have not thought of before. For other love-related questions like “how can i squirt” You can visit

Forming a yes or no question will simply pass the responsibility of the decision making onto the cards, instead of you making the decision yourself. In order to allow yourself to make the decision with additional insights, you must keep your mind and options open.  Doing the opposite will either cause you to ask for strength to back you decision, or refute a decision you have already made.

Choose an appropriate spread

Next you need to choose the appropriate spread for the question, this spread should have good positions for the cards; this will allow you to have additional sub-questions for different aspects of the situation. Each position should inspire the person to think more deeply about each aspect of the situation.

Some good positions for love reading spread are: “positive factors,” “negative factors,” “outcome if nothing changes,” “external influences,” “long term potential,” etc. Keep in mind the spread depends on the problem. You can use one of these spreads, or other loves spreads; you can check out some popular love spreads HERE on the website, or you could create your own spread specifically for this situation

If you decide to create your own spread, you should think about what aspects are important for this situation, and have one position in a spread for each. It would also be beneficial to have the positions related somehow, whether is it positive/negative something, past/future, or problem/root, because the reading tarot cards is like reading a story, and not just telling a dry interpretation of individual cards’ meanings.

Keep in mind it is a love spread

Pay attention to the reaction you get to each card as you pick it; this is your intuition signaling you to pay attention to something. Also, take notice of the meaning of each card and how it relates to its specific position in the spread, and to the other cards in the spread.

Any situation, including a love/relationship issue, can be influenced by many aspects, not only emotions (emotions are represented by the suit of Cups). Especially if some of the other suits (Wands, Swords, Pentacles) are dominant in the reading. Wands bring passion, which can be good or bad, even in a love reading depending on the problem being examined. A Swords card in a reading means some one is using their head too much, whether it means over calculating something or over-analyzing every little detail. Pentacles cards in a spread represent material issues that are very relevant to the reading. But most importantly for a reading, is the incite to how the person feels about the situation, acknowledge his/her feelings to the situation. You cannot approach every problem by only using our head .

You have seen how to interpret cards to get additional valuable insights specifically for love/relationship problems.

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